- About Us
- About Us
- Handbook
- Enrollment
- Staff
- Ms. Cain, Superintendent/Principal/Jr. High
- Mrs. Rosa Mero, Administrative Secretary
- Ms. Edwards, TK- K-1st Grade Teacher
- Miss Ashley Cain, 2nd-3rd Grade Teacher
- Ms. Gephart, 4th-5th Grade Teacher
- Mrs. Poehlmann, Math Specialist
- Ms. Amber, Preschool Director
- Norman May, Cafeteria Manager
- Vacant, SAFE Coordinator
- Brian Casey, Resource Specialist
- Barbra Lewis, School Nurse
- Kelly Fox, Resource Aide
- Building and Maintenance
- Megan Clark, Instructional Aide
- Emily Tuiolemotu, Instructional Aide
- Jamie Rigau, Instructional Aide
- Location
McCloud Elementary School
332 Hamilton Way
P.O. Box 700
McCloud CA 96057 USA
Hours of operation:
Main Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Office Hours: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
530-964-2133 Office
530-964-2153 FAX
Email address:
Map and Directions